I’ve seen a lot of posts where people have had Kibana up and running, out of the (virtual)box from HCM PI 34. I had issues getting the dashboards and visualizations to work. Many thanks to folks from Oracle who helped me resolve this issue.
- The Kibana homepage can be accessed from here : http://hcm92.ps.com:5601/
- You’d have to replace hcm92.ps.com with your hostname, whereas 5601 is the default port for Kibana
- When you login to this URL for the first time, it would appear as below
- Enter the username as PS
- Enter the appropriate password
- Enter the Oracle database name – in this case HR92U034
- The dashboards are usually empty until you deploy them
- For me, it looked like this – even with a completely fresh install
- Kibana was up and running, but of no avail. In case you get an error while accessing the Kibana URL, you can execute the following commands.
[root@hcm92 bin]#cd /opt/oracle/psft/pt/ES/pt/Kibana7.0.0/bin
[root@hcm92 bin]# nohup ./kibana &
- The next steps were to deploy Kibana dashboards and visualizations
- To do that, navigate to PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Monitoring Server > Monitoring Visualizations tab
- Select all dashboards and click on Deploy Visualizations
- If there were no errors deploying these visualizations, you’d get a message stating so
- If you received errors, check this post
- Next, deploy dashboards from PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Deploy Kibana Dashboards
- If all goes well, navigate to the Recruiting component and ensure you’re able to see visualizations as below
That brings us to the end of these series of posts on setting up PeopleSoft 9.2 with PeopleTools 8.58.03. Feel free to add your questions and I’ll try to answer them as much as I can!
Have fun!
PeopleSoft 9.2 – PeopleTools 8.58 VirtualBox Installation
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