We’re almost there!
HCM PI 34 bundles ElasticSearch and Kibana. On Linux, both these directories are available under /opt/oracle/psft/pt/ES/pt.
Sasank’s posts provide a lot of detail about setting up ElasticSearch and Kibana, if they haven’t been started.
- You can verify if ElasticSearch is up and running by logging into PeopleSoft and performing a global search
- You should be able to see search results as below
- You can also use the Diagnostics Utility to check if ElasticSearch is up and running – from PeopleTools > Search Framework > Utilities > Diagnostics
- Alternatively, you can follow instructions provided in Sasank’s post as well
- If neither of these work, navigate to the ElasticSearch bin folder and start up and instance of elasticsearch
[root@hcm92 bin]# cd /opt/oracle/psft/pt/ES/pt/elasticsearch7.0.0/bin
- Against the prompt, switch to the esadm1 user, type nohup ./elasticsearch & and press Enter
[root@hcm92 bin]# sudo -s su esadm1
[esadm1@hcm92 bin]# nohup ./elasticsearch &
- After few seconds, press the Enter key to return to the command prompt
- Execute the following commands to verify ElasticSearch is up and running
- If there are errors, we’d have to troubleshoot – but if the file size does not grow any longer, check for a message that states that “colour was changed from red to yellow” to indicate the service’s status
[root@hcm92 bin]# cat nohup.out | tail -10
- Execute the following command – you should be able to see a large output that indicates ElasticSearch is up and running
[root@hcm92 bin]# ps -ef | grep elas
If it is all good, return to global search and ensure you can see results.
PeopleSoft 9.2 – PeopleTools 8.58 VirtualBox Installation
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